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What Do We Do When Loved Ones Hurt Us?

It's hard to understand why people do the things they do.

The confusion centers around the pain we feel, caused by someone we love.

They should know better, right?

Why would they choose those words? Why didn't they think about how that would make me feel? I cannot wrap my brain around their behaviors at this point.

But, Jesus, You can.

Lord, You can see what we can't. In seeking You, we too, can begin to see. You have so much to show us... so much.

You want us to know You. Help us to stay close to You. Your presence cures all.

This time, let's choose not to be offended. Let's remember who You say we are and walk in that and talk in that.





Not sure why they all happen to start with F's. But most importantly...

We are Yours.

We love to be.

Thank you.

Your love tho... so good.

Let us be real and honest and raw. Remind us why we're here and the work we have to do. It's a pleasure to live for You.

We are super in love with You, Jesus. Make our hearts more and more like Yours each day. Align the desires of our hearts to match Your own.

Show us Your glory.

Any time we are experiencing pain, any time someone we know and love has hurt us, we can ALWAYS change our perspective.

God is not offended.

Since He is our source, we don't have to be offended either. We can stop our thoughts in their tracks and tune in to what He is saying, because He always has something to say.

Let's listen.

If it doesn't seem like I spent that much time talking about the actual "thing" that my loved one did that was hurtful, that is kinda the point.

Poor choices that someone else made should not be at the center of our thought life.

It just isn't fruitful to meditate on the situation for very long. It won't solve anything, and will only make us feel worse. At this point, there is nothing we can do to change what happened.

Those people that hurt us - if we pray for them, we may realize that their actions are coming from a place of pain in their own hearts. Our stability, doesn't depend on them. It can't.

Jesus is the only solid, stable foundation.

We can give our pain to Him and He will bring healing.

Whether or not those who hurt us ever apologize or even acknowledge what they did is essentially irrelevant when it comes to our journey. God is leading us somewhere. Being offended is a distraction on that path. Let Him in to the hurting places in your heart, and receive what He has to show you.

*Please note* We are not trained in abusive or trauma situations. If you have hurts from those types of encounters, we encourage you to seek professional counseling as a part of your healing journey with Jesus.

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